Friday, August 31, 2012

Healthy Moroccan Food

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Healthy Moroccan Food

The North African cuisine of Morocco combines Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and African influences. The meals in Morocco are often healthy since they mix grains, such as couscous and quinoa, with vegetables and meats like lamb and chicken with a variety of spices. Moroccans tend to enjoy meals as a group, and families often spend a great deal of time picking out ingredients, cooking and eating together.....

Thursday, August 30, 2012

best 10 Tips for guaranteed weight loss

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With fad diets and fitness routines round every corner, it is quite difficult to keep a tab on which weight loss tips really do work and which don't. Should you join that bhangra aerobics class, adopt that no-carb diet, or eat dinner at 6pm? Never mind all that loophole-ridden weight loss jargon, step over to the healthy side. Here are 10 tips for guaranteed weight loss that will set your weight straight, and help you adopt some really healthy, weight-friendly habits for life. 
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The Best Way to Lift Free Weights to Gain Muscle

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The Best Way to Lift Free Weights to Gain Muscle

Gaining muscle through exercise is a physically and psychologically rewarding journey that requires determination and a knowledge of the human body. While free workouts and workout plans abound, some are based on scientifically sound evidence, while others were written by some guy who has been lifting for several years. Although nearly any exercise program that prescribes regular weight lifting will help you gain muscle, one founded on science will help you get bigger, stronger and faster than less-educated counterparts.

Step 1

Set a schedule. Change routines every month, starting with stabilization and full-body exercises three days a week. In the second month, work on strengthening and stabilizing your joints three days a week. During the...

Free Step-by-Step Bodybuilding Workouts

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Free Step-by-Step Bodybuilding Workouts

Building muscle worthy of the bodybuilding stage requires hard work and dedication. A bodybuilder's workout routine consists of a well-rounded strength-training program to improve definition, size and symmetry. The key to building muscle is to train with heavy weights with low repetitions of eight to 12, according to Combine a mix of machines and free weights to keep your body guessing and add variety. Perform bodybuilding workouts that challenge your body and push your muscles to failure to develop a stage-ready physique....

Monday, August 27, 2012

Top 5 best exercises to lose belly fat

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(NaturalNews) Who doesn't want flat abs? People desperate to lose weight will willingly starve themselves, take expensive supplements or do the latest fad diet that promises to give them that flawless figure in 30 days. Thankfully, belly fat is metabolically active and easier to lose. However, if proper nutrition is not observed and the resort is made to low calorie diets, weight loss may not happen within the desired time frame. Hunger and calorie deprivation will eventually kick in and dieters confronted with that favorite food they have been avoiding will have the tendency to binge at the first opportunity. The likelihood of gaining more weight than they originally lost is not far-fetched....